
IQAN Creative Studio 3.18 released

Gustav Widén (System support) 10 years ago in IQANdesign updated 10 years ago 0

Highlighted features version 3.18

8448 TSC1, add message counter and message checksum

Some engine controllers (e.g. from Volvo Penta) may require the use of checksum and counter in the J1939 TSC1 message.
Image 158

New property "Use checksum/counter" added to TSC1 channel. Select Yes to enable SPN 4206 (message counter) and SPN 4207 (message checksum) in the TSC1 message. When setting this property to no, the legacy setting is to set byte 8 to 0xFF.

19820 Ethernet direct connection
When connecting via Ethernet, the default is that MD4:s on the network are automatically detected. With this feature it is now also possible to enter a private IP address for the module you want to connect to, the address ranges are:
  • -
  • -
  • -
Image 159

This alternative is useful when it is not possible to detect all modules on a network, e.g. when there are routers or a VPN in between the PC and the module.
It is now also possible to assign a fixed IP address to master modules with Ethernet, as a property on the master module. The default value for this is to use DHCP.
Image 161

24921 J1939: Add 500 kbps as selectable baudrate
Most J1939 networks are running at 250 kpbs, but the standard can also be used on a 500 kpbs bus, this is now possible to select on the J1939 bus properties:
Image 160

25295 Allow smart device connections for MC3 when there are no safety related function groups
This is the property under Security that was previously named Allow IQANrun for tablets. IQANrun for PC is certified together with the IQAN-MC3 a safety related parametrization tool, while the use of IQANrun on other platforms has not yet been certified, and the connection to IQAN-MC3 is currently restricted.
With this change, the restriction is now limited to only those MC3 applications that contain safety related function groups.

25261 MC3: Import/convert 2.x settings
In version 3.11, a function was introduced in IQANdesign and IQANrun to automatically upgrade settings from a 2.x system (case 19927). This was not implemented on IQAN-MC3, so when sending a 3.x project file to a 2.x module, all settings were reset to application default (safe values) if the target module was an MC3.
Now this function has been even more thoroughly tested, and the MC3 settings are now imported and converted by IQANrun. A warning is presented if the project file contains safety related function groups.