Software news:IQANgo 6.05

IQANgo 6.05 is now available

Highlighted feature

LED status code is now shown on the System tab, for master modules

Image 2527

IQANgo show LED code and clear text description 

(in this example where the blink code is an I/O error one can scroll down for more details)

Image 2528

Example (from IQANsimulate), to illustrate how the above LED code R1:2 (input error) looks on IQAN-MC41 module

Other updates

-Now possible to change PIN codes on the Adjust tab.
-Order of statistical log records reversed to match default order.

-Fixed bug where the app did not always save passwords.

-Fixed crash when getting large clone files or measure for a long time via Bluetooth. Happened on Android. 

IQANgo is available on App Store and Google Play.

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