
IQANrun 3 Free app available on App Store

Ulrik Zakariasson (Software development) 10 years ago updated 9 years ago 17
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IQANrun takes the first step to mobile devices. With this free version you can perform some basic functions like, viewing system status, logs, measure and adjust.
Today the app works with IQAN-MD4 and basically it allows you to do the same things as you can do in the IQAN-MD4 systems menu.
Future releases will come with Android versions and Pro versions will include more functionality such as SW update, settings viewer, save logs and graph measure.

Please see the attached presentation and press release for additional information.
Press release - IQANrun 3 Free.pdf
Presentation - IQANrun 3 Free for tablets.pdf

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Nice work! When will this new app be ready? The save log feature interests me the most! It would also be useful if you can connect to the master over the internet. Will that be added to the app?
I'm glad you like it!

The save log feature comes in the paid version of IQANrun for tablets. It is planned to be released in Q2 2015.

We're also working on providing Internet connections in the apps.
That's nice! Any idea how much the app is going to cost the costumer?
Price is not decided yet, but it will most likely be a real bargain :-)
Will it work on iphones or is it tablets only?
IQANrun is for tablets only, but there will be a smart phone app as well, called IQANsync. It is planned to be able to get logs, update software and act as a modem to allow someone else to connect to the machine over Internet.

Is there a planned release date for IQANsync? sure would be a very good addition to the IQAN systems, we would definitely use that!

IQANsync is currently in final testing. We hope to have it released in February.

Will IQANsync be released in Q1 still or are we looking at Q2?

Will IQANsync be able to connect to 3g modems installed in machines?

Yes, if you use an MD4 that connects to IQANconnect via the 3G modem. This requires the 3G modem to have an Ethernet port, where you can connect your MD4. IQANsync will only support Internet connections via IQANconnect, not via Proemion.

Ok, how do I get IQANconnect? From my local Parker Rep?

Hi Zach, we are preparing for the release of IQANconnect so that you can buy connections online. We are running a limited beta test period now and I have asked my US Parker colleagues to contact you with more information on how to get on board the beta test.

I have tried the IQANRun free app on both the Ipad and an Android Tablet and I must say that I am really impressed with the direction that Parker is heading. It would be really impressive if the graphing feature was available. When I click on graph, a message comes up stating that this feature is only available in the paid version of the app. Do you know when this will be available and what the price will be?

Thank you for your positive feedback. The paid version will be available later this fall for iPad. The Android version has not been decided yet. Price is also not decided.