
App update for Sync disconnecting

C. Harp 7 years ago updated by Ulrik Zakariasson (Software development) 7 years ago 3

I would like see an update to the sync app that fixes the issue of disconnecting from the G11 device when you switch to a different screen on your phone or tablet. This has become a big issue for us. 

Not a bug

IQANsync will disconnect from whatever you are connected to when you go back to its main menu screen. This is because there are no Connect/Disconnect buttons as in IQANrun for tablets.

I understand that this is not a bug. I would like consideration to add a connect/disconnect button in future updates to the Sync app. This would allow the app to stay connected while using other apps and features of the phone or tablet. 


Keeping the current operation running when IQANsync is in the background is something we have considered, but it is not decided if or when we implement it.