
Module communication failure when updating to V3.19.9

Kevin 9 years ago updated by Ulrik Zakariasson (Software development) 9 years ago 3

We have a system (2 x MC£, 1 x MD4) running V3.19.7 and decided to update to version 3.19.9. Sent program over CAN communication tool and machine appeared to update to 3.19.9. After completion of update one module wasn't communicating over the master bus. This isn't unusual. We cycled ignition (which usually fixes error) and the module still failed to communicate. We have got this module into an endless cycle giving CAN error. Is this as a result of updating from 3.19.7 to 3.19.9?

I have found out some more information. I thought it was 3.19.9 software update that caused the machine to fail during update but it seems to do the same in 3.19.7. Machine was running 3.19.7 firmware and our program version 1.13. We have updated our software to version 1.14 (which includes additional app in and outs) and I saved this new update using new 3.19.9 software.

Loaded this update into machine using either 3.19.9 or 3.19.7 and one MC3 crashed out with 3 amber and 4 red flash. MC3 initially boots successfully but appears to shut down after approx. 2 seconds.

I have two questions:

1, if I saved our new update software (1.14) in 3.19.9 and try installing it using 3.19.7, does this automatically install files that will only work with 3.19.9 and would this be what's causing the MC3 to crash out and shut down?

2: is it possible the maximum number of app outs is reached causing the MC3 to crash (as this only appears to be what's changed in the software)? One MC3 is still functional and appears to be communicating OK with the remaining MD4.

We have tried the same on another machine and it crashes in the same way indicating that it is likely to be software related?

Under review

Hi Kevin,

1. When saving your application with IQANdesign 3.19.9, the firmware in the project file will also be updated to this version.

It does not matter if you use another version of IQANrun to download. IQANrun never changes the version of a project file, it loads the version that is in that file.

2. Yes, it is probable that the increased number of APPOUT:s have had the system reach the tipping point for too much CAN traffic on one bus. That could have this symptom on the MC3.

To understand if this is the issue, it could be good to check a few things:

How many APPOUT:s do you have in the system?

What is the system cycle time?

Do you have the project check warning about a high number of APPOUT:s ?

What is the bus utilization when measuring with e.g. IQANanalyze?

Note that the APPOUT:s is using up quite a lot of bandwidth, one CAN frame per APPOUT. If you have some non-safety related signals that you send as real-time data, you could reduce CAN bus load by mapping some signals to J1939 channels instead.