
IQANrun App for Apple - Where do you place project files?

Bill 6 years ago updated by Ulrik Zakariasson (Software development) 6 years ago 1

I've installed IQANrun ver 5.01.4 on a new IPAD Pro 10.5 with iOS 11.3.1

I am trying to place a .idax project file ver 5.02 onto the tablet so I can load it through the app.

I purchased the PRO capabilities to allow download from the app.

Under "Manage Files" if I select Dropbox, the app pops up "No Dropbox access".  It goes on to say that a web form will display next but none appears.  So I'm unable to use the Dropbox method.

Where can I place a file so the app will find it?  (similar to IQANsync where the app looks in On My Pad/IQANsync)


Hi Bill, there is an update to IQANrun just about to be released, hopefully this week. The updated version will work in the same way as IQANsync when it comes to file management.