Directional Pulse Count Inputs
I need 8 directional pulse count inputs... Is there any hope other than using 4 XA2s? Any plans for an IQAN expansion module that can do 4 or even 8 of this kind of input?
I can't find any 3rd party CAN modules that have this type of input. It seems to be all industrial modules.
Customer support service by UserEcho
Hello, Within Parker IQAN we have different master modules and I/O modules having 1 to 4 Directional Pulse counts.
In IQANDesign you can easily add multiple modules in your System Layout, add your required I/O, including the Directional Pulse Count inputs, and move these around the different modules for optimal I/O distribution over the modules in your application.
Parker IQAN modules are designed with flexible use of different type In and Outputs, however it is not possible to meet every application I/O list matching excactly one ore more module.
There will be always a compromise to be made, however that benefits having some spare I/O in your system for future expansion and options.
Thanks for your response. I wasn't aware there was a module with 4 directional pulse counts. After seeing your comment and looking closer I found the MC3. Using 2 of these to get 8 should work just fine.
Thanks again.
MC3 is in phase out. You should investigate, but costwise it might be better to use 4 x MC41 than 2 x MC3.