
Last IQANsync (on Apple Store or Google Play Store) not supporting 6.00 applications

Olivier Cote 6 years ago updated by Gustav Widén (System support) 5 years ago 3 1 duplicate

Hi, I tryed to open a 6.00 MD4 application on Androïd and Iphone IQANsync as well to send it through a G5-Bluetooth modem and the IQAN file wasn't supported by the phone application. Are you expecting to provide a new mobile app on one or the other platform soon ?


Duplicates 1

Sorry, I mean the "G11"-Bluethooth module ;)  

Will be answered

When using the current version of IQANsync (version 5.02), you can use it to get logs locally, and to connect the machine to IQANconnect. 

But in order to use the Send to machine function with 6.00 files, we will need to release an updated version of IQANsync. 

I think we should be able to release a 6.00 version of IQANsync next month. 


Forgot to respond. Version 6 of apps are released, see news topic