License key for IQAN develop V4.03

Klaus Gottwald 2 years ago updated by Gustav Widén (System support) 2 years ago 1

Hi - I need a license key for IQAN develop V4.03 where can I buy or get one from?

Licenses for the old IQANdevelop software is not sold through the IQAN store where you find the modern software tools. 

It instead needs to be sold through a local Parker sales company. 

The easiest is probably if you get this from a company who already uses this, for example the service organization of the machine manufacturer, or via a Parker distributor who is an IQAN system integrator since many years ago, for long enough to have had experience with this generation of controllers. 

If you only need read access, you can just download the IQANdevelop software and use it without license. 

Mobile controller legacy software - IQANdevelop | Parker NA