Format title for measurement in IQANrun & IQANdesign 7

A DOMS 3 weeks ago updated 3 weeks ago 2


You did something well in IQANrun 7.x version for the measurements, 

it's to name automatically the measure file with :

- the name of the measure group

- the serialnumber of the machine

- the date and time

the problem is that the date is on this order : DD MM YYYY and when we have several measurement, it's not organised by date :

Image 4630

it would be better to reverse the date using this order : YYYY MM DD, to organize the files by chronological order.

Is it possible to have the same thing when saving a measurement with IQANdesign ?


Does it help if you change the Date Format at User Interface ?

No it doesnt change anything on the name of the measure file

Thank you