
XC23 Connector Number Issue?

Kevin 7 years ago updated by Ulrik Zakariasson (Software development) 7 years ago 2

We have noticed the connector numbering appears to be incorrect when using XC23 modules, this fault seems to come up when we have a VIN or DOUT error and it displays the affected pin number on the module. The error states the correct pin number, but the connector number (C3) is incorrect. Not sure if DOUT error is the same on XC22 module.

Image 891

Under review

Thanks for noticing this, the connector numbering for C2 and C3 are swapped. The popup messages for DOUT and the pin number info in expansion modules is affected also, on both XC22 and XC23. 

It is perhaps less apparent on the XC22 as this module does not have the center C2 connector.