
molex connector cable

theo mastenbroek 6 months ago updated by Gustav Widén (System support) 5 months ago 6

What cable fits the molex connector best? i have tried several cables but somehow the shield is always to thick

A general recommendation is to use FLRY wire when making your wiring harness. 

For the MX64 terminals there are two different grip sized depending on wire dimension. 

It sounds as if you are using some multi-conductor cable? 

what type of wire does parker use in the proto type cable

no just trying to find a single wire thats fits the small terminial.... the terminal isnt the problem but the hole in the molex connectro is....

We're using 0.75 mm2 FLRY wire. 

R stands for reduced insulation thickness. 

ok Thank you will check where i can buy this type of cable