
Generic Module

Louis 7 years ago in IQANdesign updated by C. Harp 3 years ago 6

I am trying to connect a Mobile View (MVC9100) IP camera to the IQAN-MD4-5 using the generic module. I have contacted MV for the URL, I have configured the camera on the right setting (ADDRESS:, SUBNET: but it still don't work. What RTSP port does the IQAN use? Any suggestions?

IQAN is using the standard RTSP port which is 554.

It seems that the path should be set to "/Streaming/Channels/1" to be able to get a mjpeg stream (https://www.ispyconnect.com/man.aspx?n=Interlogix).

Make sure that the video encoding of the camera is configured to MJPEG (you might need to set stream type to alternate stream in the camera to be able to select MJPEG). The MD4 does not support H264 encoded video streams.

Good to know! Do you know cameras that are compatible with the IQAN MD4-5 generic module?

Do you know if IQAN supports multicast or unicast MJPEG?


I would of course recommend to use our own IQAN-SV camera. It requires minimal configuration and offers great video quality.

We don't have a list of third party cameras working with IQAN, but in general they have to support RTSP and RTP protocols with MJPEG compressed video. Due to small differences in the protocols for different cameras we cannot guarantee that any RTSP/RTP camera works even if they seem to fulfill the requirements.

I m trying to connect Dahua IP camera to MD4-7 display. In camera user account and password is required for connection. Connection string is rtsp://admin:admin@

Iqan design i can set ip and path but user name is not used. I assume that software generate connection syntax 'rtsp://+"IP"+"Path". Is there any work around? Yes SV camera is an option, but this model was available on stock and 20% price compared to SV.