
IQANsync iOS (Version 5.01) Incompatible version when when copying file from IQANdesign

Phil WIllis 7 years ago updated by Ulrik Zakariasson (Software development) 6 years ago 4

I am trying to copy a project file(.idax) via email attachment on an iphone running iOS10 and after the upgrading to iOS11.1.2.  The IQANsync version is 5.01 and the file is coming from IQANdesign

the error pop up in IQANsync reads:

" Incompatible Version

This file is too new.  Please update your version of IQANsync for iOS"

The app store tells me i have the latest version.  Is  there a way to save files to an older format?


Hi Phil,

There is no way to save to an older version, unfortunately. We're doing the final tests on an updated version of IQANsync 5.01 and hope to have it released in a couple of weeks.


Now is same issue with 5.02 version files from latest IQAN Design. When you are planning to release update of IQANSync to support latest version. I'm using android software.


It's in the pipe, we're hoping to have it released in a week or two.


IQANsync 5.02 now released, see news topic here.