
SMS in

Salih 7 years ago in IQANdesign updated by Ulrik Zakariasson (Software development) 7 years ago 3

I have a question about "sms in channel".
I'm doing application like the following with the G3 modem and MC2.

Image 1061

I can't read this message from the software when I send a message to the gsm card that I plugged to G3 modem in externally. 

What could be the problem?
(But I can send a message from the g3 modem when I make a sms out application similar to this application.)

Satisfaction mark by Salih 7 years ago

Solved by adding identification tag.

The issue is resolved:
An identification tag is required for the SMS in channel to work. For the above message, a seperate text channel was added with the value of "SMSIN". Sending an sms with text "SMSIN=1" changed the channel value to 1.

To IQAN team, I'd recommend adding the description provided in the 'Type' channel into SMSIN channel itself. This would make the working principle of SMSIN channel more clear: