
JPIN values

Joe 7 years ago in IQANdesign updated 7 years ago 4

Why am I getting this error?  According to the documentation, the value of a JPIN is a real number, so why can I use some rational operators (= , <>), but not others (<, >, <=, >=)?

Image 1133



Not a bug - j1939 standard uses 2 bits for on/off with error checking.  You can turn the j1939 error checking off in the JPIN and it will give you the 1-3 value.

An update to this:  I am getting 'False' values for the JPINs that are 2 bits in length.  The other JPINs have the values I expect.  Does anyone know why I would not be getting a value from 0 to 3? Is this a bug?


Not a bug - j1939 standard uses 2 bits for on/off with error checking.  You can turn the j1939 error checking off in the JPIN and it will give you the 1-3 value.