
Disable open load DOUT MC42

RobinArvidsson 7 years ago in IQANdesign updated by Gustav Widén (System support) 5 years ago 6

i'm sure i've seen it somewhere, that it would be possible to disable open load detection on a DOUT. 

But i can't seem to find it..

Is there a way to disable open load detection on MC42 DOUT ?



In 5.02 - go to the output on the module in the system display and click on the output.  The property is on the right side now.


In 5.02 - go to the output on the module in the system display and click on the output.  The property is on the right side now.

That's under current detection, This does not disable "Open load" error, in my application at least.

i've set this to "No" already..

By disabling DOUT under current detection, you are disabling the ability to detect open circuit when the DOUT is ON, but you still have the feature for open load detection when the output is OFF.

On the MC4x series, the Digital out HS have two ways of detecting open circuit of the load, both methods result in the same channel status, Open load

  • When the DOUT is ON, the DOUT detects open load by using under current detection, checking that the current is >60 mA. If current is below, the DOUT status is reported as open load. This is the test that can be disabled with the property DOUT under current detection on the pin. 
  • When the DOUT is OFF, the DOUT detects open load by measuring voltage on the pin. The relatively high leakage current in OFF state (up to 2 mA) is there to make it possible to measure this. When the load is properly connected it pulls the voltage to ground resulting in a voltage measurement close to zero, and the DOUT status will be OK. If there is an open circuit, the voltage on the pin will be close to battery voltage, resulting in an DOUT channel status open load. 

If you want to disable open load detection for an output altogether, you can place the DOUT in a function group, and disable the function group. This is the method I would recommend for outputs that are optional.

MC4x instruction book Appendix A

As a feature request - can this be set in the channel to have a no open load errors option.  We have had many issues with this error coming up when the output is off when driving a load through a diode for example(another computer is also controlling this load as well).  Diesel Pre-heat for example which must work with the Iqan off or on.  I realize the output can be put in a function group and disabled - but it is definitely not intuitive and requires extra programming and memory etc.