
iqansimulate 4.07

Michael Carlyle 7 years ago in IQANsimulate updated by Ulrik Zakariasson (Software development) 7 years ago 7

I upgraded to Iqansimulate and it does not pick up the license.  when I run from Iqandesign it will not simulate properly as it says it is running an evaulation license.  Same license runnign Iqansimulate 3 and Iqansimulate 5.02 work fine.

Is this a bug with iqanSmulate 4.07?  Do I have to reinstall Iqan Creative Studios 4?

I can confirm that this is a bug as it happened on two different computers with two different license keys.

There is an issue with the IQANsimulate 5.02 installation that causes the licenses for earlier versions to stop working. Until we release an update for this it can be resolved by reinstalling IQANsimulate 4.07 using a creative/active studio installation.


IQANsimulate 5.02.9, released today, fixes this problem. Those of you that installed 5.02.8 will still need to reinstall the old version to get your license back.

Reinstall Creative studios or just Iqansimulate?

Good that you asked, this needs clarification. You must use a Studio setup file. The IQANsimulate setup file will not ask for a license number.