
J1939 data length

Ed Schippers 7 years ago in IQANdesign updated by Gustav Widén (System support) 6 years ago 3

I have a question about the length of J1939 PGN 65251.Scan_15_0061_001.pdf

In Iqan the standard data length is 8 bite but the length of PGN 65251 is 39 bite. also some other PGN's have more then 8 bite.

I want to use SPN 544 engine reference torque. but i can't due to limitation or the data length.

Regards, Ed

Satisfaction mark by Ed Schippers 6 years ago

We do not support J1939 packets larger than 8 bytes yet, except for some diagnostic messages and sending text (new channel type JTOUT). There is an existing case to support multi packet messages. I added your input to it.


Multi-packet is now supported on JFIN/JFOUT, implemented in IQANdesign 6.00