
New IQAN-MD4 demo pages

Gustav Widén (System support) 10 years ago in IQANdesign updated by Ulrik Zakariasson (Software development) 10 years ago 2
The latest IQANdesign versions include some new demo pages for the IQAN-MD4-7. The pages are built on the Fork Lift application example, and illustrate some useful techniques, like working with transparency.

Fork Lift, "Industrial" theme:
Image 132

Image 135

Fork Lift, "High Tech" theme:
Image 133

Fork Lift, "Classic" theme:
Image 134

The pages were made by an industrial designer. He worked in Illustrator/Photoshop to make the graphical design elements, and then used them to build the HMI in IQANdesign. He offers his services to IQAN users, we can provide the contact details.

These are the files:
My Documents\IQAN Files\Examples\Fork lift\Fork lift.ida3
My Documents\IQAN Files\Examples\Fork lift\Classic.ids3
My Documents\IQAN Files\Examples\Fork lift\HighTech.ids3

Classic and HighTech use the same application as in Fork lift, but with different look and feel. They are stripped project files, but can be opened in IQANdesign in the same way as a normal ida3 file. Just select the correct file type in the open dialog, or double-click the file in Windows Explorer.

Hi Gustav - I installed the latest version of IQANdesign and the stripped ids3 files aren't in the examples folder. I only see the Fork Lift.ida3 in file explorer.

Is it possible to upload them here ?


That's strange. Are you using IQANdesign 3.18? Did you check "Example files" during installation?