
IQANrun tablet region limitations?

Edward Polzin 6 years ago updated by Ulrik Zakariasson (Software development) 6 years ago 5

Are there any regional limitations to where the IQANrun for iPad is available?  I have a customer in New Zealand who cannot find any IQAN products in the Apple store.


Thank you for confirmation.

Satisfaction mark by Edward Polzin 6 years ago
Will be answered

Yes, IQANrun is not available in all countries due to tax reasons. I can see that New Zealand is excluded. Let me check with finance if we can change that.

Also, can you confirm if this only affects the ability to purchase or will this affect the free version as well?  For example, IQANrun can be found in the app store and installed as the free version.  However, purchasing the paid version might be restricted by region.

There is only one version of IQANrun available in the app store. Availability can not be set for the in-app purchase separately, which means it will not be available at all in those regions that we have excluded.

That's unforuntate.  Would it be possible to maintain a list on the forum of locations that are excluded so that we can better support our international customers?  Thank you.


New Zealand can not be added at this point unfortunately.

I added a list of countries to the FAQ topic https://forum.iqan.se/knowledge-bases/2/articles/631-service-tool-feature-comparison.