Create Multiple Users

Paulo Cupertino de Lima 6 years ago in IQANdesign updated 6 years ago 2

I have an application in which I want to insert multiple users and each of the users will have a password and access the user to enter the system I want to seek the system configuration for that user, I am using MD3 display.Any thoughts, ideas, etc. are much appreciated. I could use some desperate help urgently.


Bom dia Paulo,

Voce poderia me mandar o endereco da email de vc para poder ciniciar contacto com vc? Gostaria de te mandar alguns exemplos e tambem fazer algumas recomendacoes.

Muito grato.

P.S. o meu correio e mcolnot@parker.com

Bom dia, 

pode entrar em contato comigo pelo e-mail, 


Obrigado !