
IQANconnect service

Frederick Prigge 9 years ago in IQANdesign updated by Ulrik Zakariasson (Software development) 8 years ago 6

Hi, release 4 of your dev environment adds IQAN connect as a communication service. This is very interesting as an alternative to Proemion. Where can I find more info on this service (how to register, cost, etc)?


I would like to know more as well, some information I can send around would be very helpful.

Great to see that there is interest learn more about this new solution!

We will run beta test with customers that are interested in this starting in mid of January 2016. More info will follow but at a first step you can contact your local Parker representative and announce that you would like to be parts of this trial so that we can start setting up all the practical details like HW, licenses etc.

I'd like to be part of this trial. Please contact me via email.

Id love to be part of the beta test if possible.