
New stile for adjust menu

Dingoma 9 years ago in IQANdesign updated by Ulrik Zakariasson (Software development) 9 years ago 2


Sometimes, when our customers try to tune the crane, they get confused with plus/minus "menu"

Usually, at least for a crane, plus and minus adjusts aren't similars in values (start, stop, min and max) for one movement, I think it would be an improvement to allow customer to modify values in different screens for plus and minus movement. It would be a good improvement to include a photo of the movement that they are adjusting.

Image 236

Under review

Nice idea, feature request added.

For now, maybe it helps to use the direction descriptions available on adjust items for current outputs?

These texts will be used instead of the default Plus and Minus in the adjust menu system.

Thanks for your comment. It will help us a lot.

If we can include an image when "up" or "down" adjust were selected, it would be a good improvement without need of lots of changes on the software (but I'm not sure about this).