TDA message to set date and time of MC43
To setup the date and time for MC43, is that just sending TDA message (PGN54528) onto any CANBUS with any SA?
Currently, I would need to setup the date and time of MC43 by ProDisplay. The message (PGN54528) has been sent on CAN, but MC43 could not pick it up to adjust its date and time.

Hello Frank.
The TDA message can be either broadcast or assigned to the DA of the MC43, the SA on the sending unit does not matter.
The TDA message needs to be on a CAN bus that you have a J1939 bus on in the IQAN application.
And you will also need to enable the J1939 TDA on the MC43 in the system layout.

MC43 SA is 39(dec)
We are sending the message like below on a 1000 ms cycle:
18D52728, 28 26 10 03 54 22 00 00 (Hex)
Time: 16:38:10
Date: 2019 March 21
But the MC43 date and time does not change
Could you please advise? Thanks!

Hello Frank.
It should work if you have a J1939 CAN bus added in the application you are sending this on.
Have you set the "J1939 TDA enable" option to Yes on the MC43?

Hi Thomas,
It does not work. TDA has been enabled. TDA message has been tested on CAN A and CAN B. None of them worked. Could you please advise? Could that be a bug?

And you also have a J1939 bus in the IQANdesign system layout on those CAN you tested on?

Hi Thomas,
It does not work. Are you able to send me an example that could work on your end? i.e. the IQAN program and CAN message been sent.

Hi Frank.
When i Tested this i just used the CAN database in design and added the TDA message from there.
I did this on a MD4 in a separate project and had a J1939 bus on bus A.
Then i had another project with the MC43 and TDA enabled and added a J1939 bus on A and connected the two modules on A.
But i noticed now when testing that if you are not sending correct values in your TDA it will not work.
For example the offset on the year(1985), locale minute(-125) and local hour(-125) needs to be correct.
so the sending part looks like this for me.

I'm looking for installing a RTC on my machine including two MC43.
I bought a RTC CR3020 from IFM :
Every second I ask it to give me the Date and Time, and it's ok :
So now, I would like to send it to my master MC43,
I used like you said, the CAN Database to get the good parameters,
And I create a FrameOut with the same parameters, and I send it through the J1939 that link my both MC43 :
but the Date and Time doesn't change on my machine :
Which one is the good PGN to use for set the Date and Time ? 65254 or 54528 ?
It seem that, if I send the data from the extension to the master, it's working. And that working only if all offsets are well set, as you said.
So how can I do it using only the master MC43 ?
But now, how can I read the PGN through IQAN ?
Is there a request to send to the MC43 that tell him to send us the information stocked on 65254 or 54528 ?
I Would like to do it, to let the possibility to the user to correct the RTC depending on the time on his country.
He could set the Date and Time of the machine in IqanRun, and by a specific process, He could correct the RTC CR3020 of IFM with the good data just set in IqanRun.
The process I want to do should be :
- Set Date and Time in IqanRun depending to the country of user,
- Get the Date and Time through PGN 65254 or 54528 ?
- Send it to the RTC CR3020, to correct default setting,
- The RTC set the good Date and Time at each Start-up.
Thanks for your help,

To have time and date set via J1939 TDA, change the property TDA enabled on the master module to Yes.

Thanks for your answer.
I already enable it.
The problem was because I have to send the trame with the extention MC43 to the master MC43 to receive the message.
I can't send the trame with the master to the master.
Seems that a master can't receive his own message ?
If I understand well,
- To set the Time and Date, we use the PGN 54528. (TDA)
- To read the Time and Date on a master, we use PGN 65254 (TD)
But how can I read this PGN 65254 ?
Is there a request to send to get it one time by one time ? or something to activate for sending the PGN continuously ?

The main issue here is that the IFM RTC is not according to J1939, so you need to do a lot of work to make the message according to J1939. Then; you are right, the MC43 cannot send that message to itself internally. We found that the only way we could make this work with a single MC43 was to broadcast on one CAN channel and pick it up on another by physically wiring two MC43 CAN channels together (3 can channels just to get TDA).
Hello Parker, could you please make an IQAN TDA module!?!

Thanks for your answer.
You are saying that it's possible to link two CAN chanel. It's interesting to know it.
I have already do the work to read and send the data. My machine is now always at the real time.
But I think, it should be easier to get the date and time directly through the PGN 65254.
But I don't know how to get the information in the PGN65254. That is my question.
For now, I'm using the exemple conversion of the date using the Solutions Exemples "J1939 set time" :
At each start up I request the TD from my RTC and send it to my extension MC43 :
My extension MC43 send the message to the master througt the PGN 54528 :
If the user need to correct the Time and Date,
He can use the IQANrun function Set Date and Time, to change the date and time of his machine,
I made a digital parameter that activate the processus to send the new Date and time to my RTC to correct it.
The conversion of the current date and current time to get each data separatly is not easy. That why I would like to use the PGN 65254, because the informations are already separete :
I'm agree with you Tim, a TDA module in IQAN should be a nice thing !

Is it possible to get the information when someone use iqanrun or iqango to upadate the time and date on the machine ?
Is there any information directly in iqan or maybe using a PGN to read that ?
I would like to synchronise my external module directly when user change time and date on IQANrun.
For the moment I have a manual operation to do this, but I would like to simplify if I found this.
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Hi Frank.
When i Tested this i just used the CAN database in design and added the TDA message from there.
I did this on a MD4 in a separate project and had a J1939 bus on bus A.
Then i had another project with the MC43 and TDA enabled and added a J1939 bus on A and connected the two modules on A.
But i noticed now when testing that if you are not sending correct values in your TDA it will not work.
For example the offset on the year(1985), locale minute(-125) and local hour(-125) needs to be correct.
so the sending part looks like this for me.