
MC3 System mismatch

Masia Jean-Baptiste 10 years ago in IQANdesign updated by Gustav Widén (System support) 10 years ago 3

In the error codes, what is the meaning of error code 3: 3 system mismatch?
what is the cause of this none fonctioning?
Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions.

Best regards
Develloper for IQan system
Under review
Hello Jean-Baptiste,

The system mismatch error is one that I think could be interesting to anyone who is using a mult-master system. Is it ok with you if I move the question to the public section of the forum?

You already found the error code in the IQAN-MC3 instruction book.

The system mismatch is briefly described in the IQANdesign user manual, in the table for Value and status as
"Mismatch between project ID or revision in a multimaster system."

Before starting multi-master communication, the system checks that alll master modules belong to the project, and that they are of the exact same version. To ensure this, any change to the project file in IQANdesign updates the project checksum.

A possible reason for getting a system mismatch by mistake is if you send the project file via IQANdesign, with only one master connected, then make any change to the project file, and send it to the other master.

You can also read more about this in the chapter Multiple master modules, and its the Erroneous or incomplete systems.

yes, its ok for me to move the question to the public section of the forum
Best regards
Develloper for IQan system