
iqan script 4.07 & 5.0 execute argument

Brendon 6 years ago in IQANscript updated 6 years ago 4

I am trying to call a cmd file with a variable as an argument from IQAN Script and

Rather than the value of the variable, I get the text written in the argument i.e. %VariableName%

I am just doing a test the file is very basic.

Image 1611

On the script page I set the job number text field, the run command continues the script, then the variable gets set, and then process.cmd gets called.

Everything except the argument is working properly.

Is this a bug?

Under review

I just tried it and got the same problem. Seems as if the script action Execute doesn't insert the variable value as it should.

You have the right syntax, so this must be a bug. 

Thanks for confirming.

Thanks for the update.