
TDA message from PCAN

Zach Dockter 6 years ago in IQANdesign updated by Gustav Widén (System support) 6 years ago 5

I'm having trouble getting my MC43 to adjust date/time via the TDA message.

I am attempting to send the message through PCAN and I am simulating my display which has SA 18h.

The message I am sending is highlighted below 18D52718h

Time: 16:38:10

Date: 2019 May 21

TDA is enabled in the MC43 program and I am on CAN C.  Does it have to be on the diagnostic CAN bus in order to work?

Image 1630

Image 1631

Image 1632



Ah, i think see the problem.  Try sending 0x7D for both the hour and minute offsets.

Satisfaction mark by Zach Dockter 6 years ago

Try sending it as a broadcast message (18D5FF18h).

I sent 18D5FF18h and it didn't seem to resolve my issue.


Ah, i think see the problem.  Try sending 0x7D for both the hour and minute offsets.

Yes, that fixed the issue. Thank you very much.