
Iqan design 5 applications opens with iqan design 6 beta application

Laura 6 years ago in IQANdesign updated 4 years ago 4

For a new project where I have to make an inputs and outputs configuration, we are have running Iqan design 6 beta, our problem now is that is is not possible anymore to open iqan design 5 applications in Iqan design 5 by clicking the filename. All the applications are opening in Iqan design 6, and that SW doesn't support the older expension modules. 

The next problem is that for our data management container double clicking is the only way to open files.

It is also not possible to change the program by change the default program in the settings of windows 7 or 10.

I have uninstalled the 6 beta from my computer and I had a little bit of trouble to let the Iqan design 5 applications normal again.

Is this solved in the released design 6 version?

Kind regards Laura



My experience is whatever version is installed the latest, it will try to open with that version when double clicking. Try reinstalling the older one after installing version 6.

Since file extensions are the same, Windows probably cannot differentiate between versions?


I received a mail that it probably can solved by the programmer, and since version 6.01 it is solved

Satisfaction mark by Laura 5 years ago

My experience is whatever version is installed the latest, it will try to open with that version when double clicking. Try reinstalling the older one after installing version 6.

Since file extensions are the same, Windows probably cannot differentiate between versions?

Thanks, I can try, but all the earlier version of Iqan have an extention change when modules are not supported any more.

And when I try your solution is is not possible to open my new iqan design 6 applications in our data management program. By using the explorer is also a problem because that is an encrypted folder structure, and check in and check out will then not work.

Solved since version 6.01 Thanks!