VREF error value 4.81
samuel hoffmann 5 years ago
in IQANdesign
updated by Thomas Moberg (System support) 5 years ago •
Hello, i Am attempting to set up my 5v IMU up to my iqan system. i am using a 10" display and a Qs20 24V DC power supply. I keep getting an error value based on Vref if i have my sensor hooked up to the reference voltage.
is there another way for me to power the sensor through the screen?
could i program a Dout to output 5V constantly?
Customer support service by UserEcho
Hello Samuel.
Do you know how much power the sensor draws?
The VREF on the MD4 display has a maximum load of 50 mA.
Do you have a shared ground between the sensor and the display?
No, you can not program the DOUT to a specific voltage.
And the DOUT on the MD4 is a low side output, meaning you are grounding trough the display when the output is turned on.
So you do not get anything out from the DOUT.