shl and shr - function do not work on MAC
I need to send out a 8 digit numbers on the JPOUT-J1939 CANBUS in an 4-byte data frame.
IQAN only handle 7 digits so I split up the number in two MAC blocks to be send in 2xJPOUT 2 bytes
But the shift-bits to the left and shift byte to the right [shl] and [shr] only works on JPOUT; JPIN; GPOUT and GPIN - channels. shl+shr-problem.idsx
Instead of a MAC channel I had to use a JPOUT channels to get the shl to work. I even have to put the data on the J1939 bus only to get the shl to work? Why is shl and shr not avaiable with a math channel???,

Hello Andy.
You can only use the the bitwise shift on integer value types.
That is why you can use it on the JPOUT channel but not the function parameter that has the value type real.
If you use a integer parameter instead of the function parameter it will work.
Or you can use the round function on the parameter you have in the math to make it to a integer.
something like this;
Result:= round(xxxxxx) shr 16

I still do not know why this function is not allow to be used in MAC channels. Sorry.
I programmed already the alternative solution.

The value type of the MAC channel is also real, so if you want to shift a value from a MAC you need to use the round function on it to convert it to a integer value type.
You do have a Integer math (IMAC) channel that could be used instead also.

I still do not know why shl and shr is not working on MAC? Sorry. Yes there are ways around it:
My solution around it:
shl+shr-problem (2).idsx
First 2xbytes:
Var_1:= xxxxxx * 100
Var_2:= Var_1 / 0x10000
Var_22:= Var_2 - 0.5
Var_3:= Round ( Var_2 )
Var_33:= Round ( Var_22 )
if Var_3 = Var_33 then
Var_4:= Var_2 - Var_3
Var_4:= Var_2 - Var_33
Result:= Var_4 * 0x10000 + yy
Secound 2x bytes:
Var_1:= xxxxxx * 100
Var_2:= Var_1 / 0x10000
Var_22:= Var_2 - 0.5
Var_3:= Round ( Var_2 )
Var_33:= Round ( Var_22 )
if Var_3 = Var_33 then
Result:= Var_3
Result:= Var_33
I also would not mind to have a round up and round-down function.

I does work in the MAC channel.
You do have a round down or up function, it is "Floor(xxx)" or "Ceil(xxx)"
I did some changes and used the bitwise and function to simplify your function.
1st 2bytes
Result:= (round(xxxxxx*100) band 65535 )+ yy
2nd 2bytes
Result:= Round(xxxxxx*100) shr 16

Hello Thomas
Thanks for the new approaching ideas. Every day you learn with Iqan.
In the main software the number is coming out of a MAC-Array and not out of a FP. I still need to use therefore the round up function as shl, shr, band ... does not work in a MAC or Array.

I just did a text search in the pdf Manual of IQANdesign Version 6.00.
I cannot find
"Floor(xxx)" or "Ceil(xxx)"
Are there more (hidden) nice software shortcut what I could use? Is the a list of Qcode programming function not listed in the manuals? Especially the 2nd highest number or 3rd highest number?
Customer support service by UserEcho
I does work in the MAC channel.
You do have a round down or up function, it is "Floor(xxx)" or "Ceil(xxx)"
I did some changes and used the bitwise and function to simplify your function.
shl+shr-problem (2).idsx
1st 2bytes
Result:= (round(xxxxxx*100) band 65535 )+ yy
2nd 2bytes
Result:= Round(xxxxxx*100) shr 16