
Design 5.05 and Run 5.05 programs crashing

C. Harp 5 years ago in IQANdesign updated by Gustav Widén (System support) 5 years ago 3

I have had the latest Design and Run software crash multiple times over the last few days both while working offline as well as remotely connected to a machine. This is causing a lot of issues for me. Has anyone else experiences this?

Yes we having crash issues too. We keep sending bug reports to Parker so hopefully they can address and fix this as soon as possible.

We get crashes when:

Loading a Idax file

Performing compare of projects

Selecting a channel and few seconds later it crashes

Deleting a certain channel, tested on multiple computers.

Complete freeze of IQANdesign without crash notification.

I suspect some type of file I/O issue.


Thanks for submitting the IQANdesign crash reports. The report along with the info on what you did is really helpful. I think we should have enough info to fix these 5.05 problems now.

I'd guess that some of the performance optimizations in IQANdesign and IQANsimulate 5.05 backfired.

C. Harp,

For the issue with IQANrun, I saw reports on "out of memory" after graph measuring for a longer period of time. We could probably find ways to reduce memory usage,  but this is probably harder than fixing the crashes.

We have also seen some bug reports originating not from crashes, but "stream read errors" (in earlier versions too). These are probably from working with files on network drives. 


Some of the performance optimizations in 5.05 original release backfired, now we have updated version available. See IQANdesign release notes: 
