
I have an IQAN system MD4-7" with a log system version IQAN version 4.07 with G11. Cannot create a CSV file, message target system too old or do you have a translator from IRF4 to exel file

DTD_SIOS 5 years ago in IQANrun updated by Gustav Widén (System support) 5 years ago 1

I have an IQAN system MD4-7" with a log system version IQAN version 4.07 with G11.

Cannot create a CSV file, message target system too old

or do you have a translator from IRF4 to exel file


To save a .irf4 file as .csv, you can send the file to a PC and open it in IQANrun 4. 

To open the .irf4, IQANrun 4 needs to have the project file open first. You can then save the log as excel or csv. 

With version 5, there is a new log format that combines the benefits of the .irl4 (clear text log not requiring the project file) and .irf4 (compact size). 

When the MD4 is upgraded to version 5, you get this new .irlx log format instead, and there is no need to have the project file. 

Then IQANsync can be used to save as csv directly