MP4 or GIF into project?

Kevin 5 years ago in IQANdesign updated by Jonas Bengtsson 5 years ago 1

We would like to import a short video (3-4 seconds) into our MD4 project but cannot find a way to achieve this easily.

It states in IQAN Design that a simple animation can be achieved by inserting several images but we wondered if there was a reason why video had specifically been excluded? If the hardware is capable would it be possible to request inserting this into IQAN Design in the future?

Anyone have any suggestions for a possible solution please? I can break the images down but I'm aware it could be several static images required to form a 3 second clip that isn't too jerky!

I use State channel to switch between images, that way I can make an animation. See attached file. Not the preferred way but works.
