IQAN Design coding Rules/Guidelines/Best Practice

Manoj 4 years ago in IQANdesign updated by Edward Polzin 4 years ago 2


Do we have any standard coding rules/guidelines/best practice to be used while developing programs using IQAN design?

For e.g.

1. For IDC - Adding logic for blocking is compulsory or can be skipped or it can be implemented as per case?  For some cases if activating logic is true then that IDC will turn High and if activating logic is false then that IDC will turn low - so what is the significance of blocking logic ? can we keep it blank without any logic?

2. Where to use QCode? or it is suggested to use objects compared to QCode?

Likewise it will be good to know if we have standard practice/rules/guidelines which we can follow

Thanks & Regards


Hi Edward,

Any inputs on this please => Do we have any standard coding rules/guidelines/best practice to be used while developing programs using IQAN design?

Thanks & Regards


The IQAN design help contents has a coding style guide section.  I believe it is section 21.