
Using different modules with the same program

Theleo De Bruyn 4 years ago in IQANdesign updated by Gustav Widén (System support) 4 years ago 4

Hi there!

We have some troubles in finding a solution for our problem. So we have 2 machines (these are both wheel loaders) with exacly the same modules and program (Same IDtag per module, same outputs, same version, ..) We want to use only 1 MD4-5 display for both, so we want to swap the display between the machines. Is there any way how we can achives this?

I already tested this with a same sort of an application but this gave me problems whit the Can communcation, resulting in no connection with one machine. The other one worked perfectly.

Thank you!

Theleo De Bruyn



The project checksum has to be identical in both machines, it changes if you move any channel or edit anything in the project.

To be safe you could use IQANrun or IQANgo to send the application to both machines.

Assuming this is a single master system where master module is MD4-5 and both machines are the same from hardware prospective, you should not have any issues running them this way. What would be helpful to know:

  1. Picture of can bus error message.
  2. How many can bus networks you have.
  3. Did you check MD4-5 grey connector for proper can bus pinout. Make sure they are pushed all the way/locked.



The project checksum has to be identical in both machines, it changes if you move any channel or edit anything in the project.

To be safe you could use IQANrun or IQANgo to send the application to both machines.

Thank you both!

I am goingg to try this as soon as possible. I'll post the results to.


As Pierre wrote, the project checksum must be an exact match in a multi-master system. 

One way to read the project checksum is via a system information channel.

In recent version, it was also added as a separate line on the system info.