Under review

User Interface Display Page Run Mode

Edward Polzin 4 years ago in IQANdesign updated by Gustav Widén (System support) 4 years ago 1

I think it would be a good idea if there were three modes of operation for the run mode button.  The first is the current mode where the animations of the gauges and lamps occurs.  The second would be an off position where all lamp controls show the on image, all gauges move to the max position, and all bar/arc controls move to the max position.  And last would be an off position where all lamps controls show the off image, all gauges move to the min position, and all bar/arc controls move to the min position.

This would be useful for verifying the layout of the display interface without having to invoke the simulation step. 

Also, it would be useful if IQANdesign could remember the visibility setting in the project.  If i toggle the visibility off for a layer, group or control and save the project, IQANdesign will remember that setting until i change it.  Function in the simulator and on the hardware could remain unchanged.

This would be helpful so that controls that are positioned on top of each other didnt need to be toggled visible / invisible every time a project is opened.

Under review

I like the idea with the button to quickly toggle lamps/gauges/bargraphs in the page editor.

Remembering visibility settings seems more tricky. Ideally it should be a personal setting, but at the same time it is unique for a version of a project file.