We have tried accessing a machine remotely and have the following message "no reply from IQANconnect server". is this a problem on Parker end?

Richard Ness 4 years ago in IQANconnect updated by Gustav Widén (System support) 4 years ago 1

We have tried accessing a machine remotely and have the following message "no reply from IQANconnect server". is this a problem on Parker end? We have tried 2 PC's and have the same message.

The IQANconnect server is up and running. 

When you see this message in IQANdesign/IQANrun, a plausible explanation is that the firewall is blocking it. 

I'd recommend to check with your IT-department if your firewall might be blocking HTTPS on port 443. 

It happens that some organizations block this.