
Set Calculation Order list

Pawel Pekala 3 years ago in IQANdesign updated by Pierre Fagrell 2 years ago 2

Would it be possible to group components within calculation order list just like grouping features on MD4 design page?

Once components are group we would still have ability to set proper order within the group. 


I could group J1939 message and compress it into a group, reducing number of components on the "main/upper" order list. Once grouped it would be much easier to navigate and keep the list short


What about moving the channels into a function group? 

This way you also reduce number of channels on the list. A drawback is that the auto order button does not rearrange function groups. 

I think this is a good idea. For example often it makes sense to put all Function Group Inputs, Function Parameters and Integer Parameters at the top, and then all physical outputs at the bottom. The individual order among these channels does not matter, just that the "group" is at top or bottom of the list.

It would be nice to have some way of doing it more efficiently than scrolling through the list and ctrl+clicking each one to then drag them.