Windows 11

Michael Carlyle 3 years ago in IQANdesign updated 3 years ago 4

Has anyone upgraded to Windows 11?  Any problems with Iqan software/drivers etc.?


I just got the new Surface Pro 8 with Windows 11 per-installed - so I was a little worried.  I loaded all the software (Iqandesign, IqanRun, IqanAnalyse (using Kvaser Leaf Light rugged), IqanDevelop) and they all seem to work so far as well as the drivers.

Had a problem getting IqanRun 6 to set parameters in IqanSimulate...it kept disconnecting.  I'm not sure if that is related to Windows 11 or not.  Using the latest versions of 6.06.

It seems unlikely the issue would be related to Windows 11. 

But to understand it more, what symptom do you see in IQANrun?

Is there an error message, or does it look like a controlled disconnect of IQANrun, as when starting a measure from IQANdesign. 

It simulates disconnecting and logs out and you have to log in again in IqanRun (changing protected adjustments that require a password).  I have used IqanRun 6 many times to adjust on a real MD4 and it seems to work fine so must be something to do with IqanSimulate.  Currently using the latest versions IqanSimulate and IqanRun  It eventually worked but took a few tries.