COUT with Date and Time not set on MD4-7

Joe 3 years ago in IQANdesign updated by Benjamin 3 years ago 3

This seems very far-fetched, but I have to ask the question as we have a customer and one of our own service personnel telling us this. The machine in question works for a bit, then may sit for weeks. The RTC is not wired directly to the battery, but rather on the machine side of the battery disconnect. When the machine sits for a long period, the RTC is lost. The issue is that we have a COUT (on an XA2) that is inoperable on startup and the 'Date and Time not set' message appears on the screen. After the date and time are set, the COUT becomes operable. I don't see how these two things could be related, but they are insistent. Anyone else seen something like this?

I have a similar issue regarding the date and time not set message when the machine has been powered off for a long period of time.

Would be interested to know the fix for this.


To avoid loosing the date and time, the RTC should be wired to battery. What one must of course consider is the allowed max fuse size for electronics that bypass the battery disconnect. 


For the original post, there is nothing related to the RTC functionality that could affect the COUT. 

To understand what the issue with the COUT could have been, I would instead recommend looking at the system log from teh event, and the application logic. 

Maybe the machine that had been sitting unused had a depleted battery, and maybe the COUT was active when the engine was cranked. Then it could have been that current dropped below the threshold for open load detect (<50% of command on the XA2). On an operator controlled function one would just try to activate again to recover. But for an automatic function, it could be that the application logic is built so it only recovers after a system restart. 

Thank you for your help