Can High Speed Expansion bus be mixed with legacy expansion bus(XA2)?

Jacob Mathai 3 years ago in IQANdesign updated by Tim Reen 7 months ago 3

Image 2954

Yes, but the XC44 will not run on CAN FD, only 250kbs

Since the LC5s are low speed and the XC43 is high speed, our setup is very similar to what is shown here except a and b are reversed. During testing at our facility, a question was asked, if the low-speed and high-speed expansions are on the same bus do they both need to be terminated with a T address tag or is it still just the last component in the line?


Since the expansion modules are on the same physical bus, just the last node in the line (greatest distance from the MD4) needs to be terminated with a 'T' resistor. On the other end the MD4 can be terminated internally with the software.