COUT PWM program entry does not match physical output

Phillip 2 years ago in IQANdesign updated by Gustav Widén (System support) 2 years ago 1


I am using IQANdesign 

I am programing a MC43FS.

The data sheet lists the following frequencies for the COUT.

PWM frequency, FDITH (Hz) 71, 77, 83, 90, 100, 111, 125, 167, 200, 250, 333, 500

The data sheet and version Publ no MSG17-8413-IB/UK Edition 2022-11-16

IQANdesign allows me to enter an integer value range of 71-500.

I connected an oscilloscope in parallel with a coil to see what the outputs of the various inputs would be.

Please see the results below.

Inputs seem to round up to the next listed frequency.


                   143 is not a listed frequency.

                    Input of 143 does not output 143. The output jumps to 167.

                    Input of 167 does not output 167. The output jumps to 200.

I did not test every value. Other exceptions might exist.

I cannot find any documentation that explains what inputs result in what outputs. 

I hope this helps the IQAN team.


Input Output
99 100
100 100
101 111
110 111
111 111
112 125
124 125
125 125
126 143
142 143
143 167
166 167
167 200
168 200

If you type in a value, the MC4x rounds up to the nearest frequency it can produce. 

My recommendation is to use the drop-down menu to select PWM frequency:

Image 3465