Multi line in value property at display does not work

Laura 2 years ago in IQANdesign updated by Gustav Widén (System support) 2 months ago 4


In below picture you can see the text lower level control, this is a value of as state parameter. I have fixed the width of it. Because of differen languages and length of the translations, i was happy to see that multi lines were supported.

Image 3703

But in real, the multi line did not work.

Image 3704

Image 3705

Image 3706

Is it supposed to work with multi lines and is this a bug?

Kind regards

Laura de Haas

There is a bug, but it is with the display page editor. 

Only the label control supports wrapping text (ref case 51489 in release notes). 

Thank you for pointing this out. 

I just commented about this on a separate post, I see now it is a bug.  

I'm using 6.08.

Any update on this, or timeline of when this could be fixed?

We will fix a problem with the display editor that can best be described as this: 

"Value control can appear to support multi-line in display page editor"

At the moment, there is no feature planned for supporting line wrap or similar on value controls. That could perhaps be a separate feature idea.