
Multimaster No contact error with external module connected to both master but works

A DOMS 11 months ago in IQANdesign updated by Gustav Widén (System support) 11 months ago 3


I'm using two MC43 that are both linked to a remote controle(generic) by canbus B.

Image 3934

I have a display on my remote and I can send information through 4 RPDO to show data on the remote screen.

It's working well from my master MC43[0], but when I send my canbus messages from the MC43[1] I have a "no contact" error message that appear BUT the crazy thing is, I still receive my data on my screen !

Image 3935

Image 3936

I see the data on the screen and I see it also with PCAN-View :

Image 3937

So the data is sent, but my master think there is no contact.

I had the same problem before with my both MC43 calculators and a MD4-7 that was in the project.

I had some touch buttons on my MD4-7 screen and when I sent the data from MD4-7 to masters, It was OK with MC43[0] but no contact with the MC43[1], BUT I still receive the data.

Is there something wrong on my multimaster system ?

The No contact you are seeing is from the property Timeout on the module: 

Image 3938

If the master module does not receive any CAN frame (GFIN allocated to this module) within the timeout period, the master module will set the status to Timeout. 

As this is a multimaster system with the generic module connected to both masters, each master will have its own view of wheter the module has timeed out. 

You can still send outgoing CAN messages (GFOUT) in this state, but all your GPIN channels allocated to the module will be in status No contact.


Ok thank you !

Simple little thing actually