LC5 query

Ash 10 months ago in IQANdesign updated 10 months ago 2

Are there any example programs for the LC5 joystick?

Currently utilizing the 2007699 (lc5-c01-mpb2w2t1) joystick

using iqan design 6.02. I get the LC5 and link it to an MC43 on system layout but how do i get the axis outputs and button digital io? I can find no EDS file or instructions as to PDOs for the outputs?

Thanks in advance


After you added, (renamed) and connected LC5 lever to application you can add channels to Directional Analog or Digital in

Drag the (renamed) channels to function group you want to use them

See also Instruction Book (contents), to be found under 'Help' and search for LC5

Image 3989

Image 3988

Image 3987


Thankyou. What you have shown here is 90% more vs the actual instructions. Which are very vague. 

At first my interpretation was the x,y were all analog VIN and the joystick being defined as an "extension" meant the inputs here are C2 plug literally. Excuse my understanding if the GUI of IQAN design is a little misleading here and there are no examples in the channel selection which i think should be standard,

Thanks again