How to efficiently use both IQANdesign and Matlab together for application development?

Veeresh 1 year ago in IQANdesign updated 12 months ago 2

How to efficiently use both IQANdesign and Matlab together for application development?

Since we have limitations of using matlab models with IQAN I'm 

trying to understand/decide what part of application logic to be implemented in IQANdesign and what part to be implemented in Matlab.

Thank you in advance.


What is best will depend on what the application is, and also what you already have developed. 

Reading inputs, setting outputs and handling CAN traffic is all done in the application that is built up in IQANdesign. 

Simulink models is ideal for control functions that require more advanced math; matrix operations or transfer functions for example. 

For less complex application logic, my first choice is to build it in IQANdesign.