
Does 7.00 also have a fix for case 57049

M van Zanten 1 year ago in IQANdesign updated by Gustav Widén (System support) 1 year ago 5

Does 7.00 also have a fix for ref case 57049 (IQAN 6.08.24). Sometimes it is very difficult to get to the ID tag our machines so removing it takes a lot of effort. It would be very nice if a firmware update could be performed without removing the ID tag.

Yes, this problem described in 6.08.24 release notes is fixed also in 7.00 (and thus also in later 7.x versions)

57049MC41 update application problems
The update of MC41 could halt with a 4:1 critical stop blink code, if the application had DM1 out functionality. Fixed.
One workaround to avoid the error and send the update is to remove IdTag and thus start without application.

In general, fixes in earlier versions are carried over to the new version.

Sometimes we make a fix first in a newer major version and then retro-fix these in an earlier branch. That is when the same update can be seen with different case numbers in different major versions. 

Note that for the problem described in case 57049, the module must be updated before the problem is solved. So the fix solves the problem for later updates. 

Thanks, and is there a way to update without having to remove (or short) the IDtag? 

The problem that the MC41 give a 4:1:14:3:1:1 blink when trying to update software version depends on a few factors, use of DM1OUT and application size. 

What you could try as an alternative to the ID tag bypass application is to first send an empty application with the same version that is already in the MC41, an then send the version you actually want to update to. 

A problem with sending a blank application in between is that this will wipe your settings. Another approach could be to make a variant of your application without the DM1OUT function (in the version that is in the MC41), and use this as the in-between step.