Not a bug

IQAN SV camera restart problem

Kevin 9 years ago in IQANdesign updated by Ulrik Zakariasson (Software development) 8 years ago 5

We have an SV camera connected to a system with a MD4-5. To prevent error messages getting 'covered up' by the video display we control the 'visible' property using IDCs linked to error states in the application. Sometimes when an error or message is displayed and accepted or cleared, the camera fails to initiate again and we are left with this message until a cycle of ignition.

We also get this sometimes when we update software.

Is there a known fix or something coming in software updates? Running IQAN 4.02.

Image 359

If the MD4 is restarted the camera needs to be restarted as well. Otherwise the MD4 will not detect the camera. This is probably what happens when you update the software.

I have not been able to reproduce the issue using the visible property of the video control. Is it possible that the MD4 was restarted without restarting the camera in this case as well?

The MD4 has always been running during the testing of the machine. We also only show the video image on some screens, and sometimes it also fails to display when changing from one with a video and without? I will continue to test and see if I can recreate the issue with a certain set of circumstances. The SV module is a prototype unit, but I would image the hardware inside is still the same?

The prototype units do not have the same firmware and may contain some issues that where resolved in the final product. I would recommend trying with a production unit of the camera.