IQANscript Variablename
rrodriguezh111 9 months ago
in IQANscript
updated by Gustav Widén (System support) 9 months ago •
When ever I call the variable name in a table "%TIME%" seems like I am bot getting the data when ever the script is running in IQANrun. Can someone tell me how can I get the variables to be read when running the script in IQANrun?
Customer support service by UserEcho
In the printscreen, I see you have a channel variable.
To measure the IQAN module time and display this as a text, first add a text variable
Then add a Measure action for reading the value from the system information channel, and a Set variable to assign the text representation of this to the text variable.
Like this:
Gustav, I tried this looks like it is able to display it now, but it is not showing real time update, the variable just stays static.
To measure continuously on a page, you could just place the measure channel action on the page.
A channel measurement placed on a page will present an updated value, as long as you stay on the page.
The variable assignment action is only assigned when you get to that point in the script.